
dimanche 14 août 2011

Extrait de Clockwork Prince : Tessa et Jem

Toujours suite à la victoire de Jace lors du tournoi YA Crush, Cassandra Clare honore ses promesses : Après la scène hot de Jace et Clary (postée il y a quelques jours), voici une scène tendre et romantique avec Tessa dans Clockwork Prince :

source :

As I said yesterday — thanks to all of you who voted for Jace in the YA Tourney so MUCH. He won, and it's all down to you.

So here's the second part of the reward teasers: A love scene from Clockwork Prince. It is VERY SPOILERY. It is interesting, I think, because it shows us a different side of a character we know. Whereas yesterday's teaser was, ah, very physical, this one is more ..psychological and romantic. If you don't like being spoiled, really, don't read it! It's only 3 months till the books comes out anyway. ;)


He flinched away from her, and Tessa dropped her hand, hurt. “Jem, what it is it? You don’t want me to touch you?”

“Not like that,” he flared, and then flushed even darker than before.

“Like what?” She was honestly bewildered; this was behavior she might have expected from Will, but not from Jem: this mysteriousness, this anger.

“As if you were a nurse and I were your patient. You think because I am ill I am not like —” He drew a ragged breath. “Do you think I do not know,” he went on more quietly, “that when you take my hand, it is only so that you can feel my pulse? Do you think I do not know that when you look into my eyes it is only to see examine my pupils, to see how much of the drug I have taken? If I were another man, a normal man, I might have hopes, presumptions even; I might -—” His words seemed to catch; either because he realized he had said too much or because he had run out of breath.

She shook her head, feeling her plaits tickle her neck. “This is the fever speaking, not you.”

His eyes darkened, and he began to turn away from her. “You can’t even believe I could want you,” he said in a half-whisper. “That I am alive enough, healthy enough —”

“No.” Without thinking, she caught at his arm. He stiffened. “James, that's not at all what I meant —”

He curled his fingers around her hand, where it lay on his arm. His own scorched her skin, hot as fire. And then he turned her, and drew her toward him.

They stood face to face, chest to chest. His breath stirred her hair. She felt the fever rising off him like mist off the Thames; sensed the pounding of the blood through his skin, saw with a strange clarity the pulse at his neck, the light on the pale curls of his hair where it lay against his paler throat. Prickles of heat ran up and down her skin, bewildering her. This was Jem — her friend, steady and reliable as a heartbeat. Jem did not set her skin on fire or make the blood rush fast inside her veins until she was dizzy.

Did he?

“Tessa,” he said. She looked up at him. There was nothing steady or reliable about his expression. His silver eyes were dark, his cheeks flushed. As she raised her face, he brought his down, his mouth slanting across hers, and even as she froze in surprise they were kissing.


Et également la scène promise entre Alec et Magnus, tirée de City of Lost Souls (La Cité tome 5 ) : Ici :

9 commentaires:

  1. #TEAMJEM!!

    ALALALAH ça promet!!! Décembre me semble si loin encore.....

  2. Team WIll !!! Je suis sure qu'elle ne ressent pas pour Jem la moitié de l'effet que MON Will lui fait, lol
    bizz ma belle

  3. PTDRRR hum je sais pas....surtout quand on lit le résumé de Clockwork Princess sur goodreads:

    In Clockwork Princess, Tessa and her companions travel all over the world as they race to stop the clockwork army before it's too late. As Jem's health worsens alarmingly and his friends search desperately for a cure, can Tessa choose between the two boys she loves — even if it means never seeing the other one again?

    Aaaaah ça va être chaud si c'est réellement le bon résumé!! Donc donc donc ça promet dans CPrince! hihihi

    Gros bisous ma Tessie!

  4. PTDR too ;-) !! on est pathétique ! et tu sais ce que je me suis dit que j'avais lu le résumé du 3 ? Ouf personne n'est mort dans lse 2 ! loooool !

  5. le tome 2 ça va être la découverte des sentiments de Tessa pour Jem, parce que Will sera distant et lointain. Et dans le tome 3, Will va se révéler et ne va plus pouvoir cacher ses sentiments, et tessa va réaliser que c'est will, et que ça a toujours été lui.... (ça vous rappelle rien ?) lool :)

  6. Sev LOL oui ca me rappelle vaguement qque chose;-)
    Moi^^ tant Qu elle finit avec Will ca me va LOL

  7. PTDRRR oh ta théorie tient le coup Sev'!
    Maintenant j'adore Will aussi, mais je préfère la sensibilité de Jem <3
    Heureusement, il ne lui arrivera rien dans le 2 *soulagement*

  8. Non ça prend WILL!!!!!!
    Sev, j'adore trop ce que tu dis, c'est tellement ça qui va arriver!!! Et nous finirons comblé!!

    Bisous les girls!

  9. En même temps, je pense que ce sera pas si simple et j'ai le feeling que cette saga va être bcp plus sombre que celle de Jace/clary.
